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Finding CBD Topicals

 Finding CBD Topicals


Can you get pain relief with CBD? That is, if you can get it from the same plant that gives us marijuana, THC. Yes, there is a new (ish) form of topical lotion out there, and it is infused with CBD from cannabis. Manufacturers say that it can help relieve chronic pain and other symptoms.

What is CBD? 

Cannabidiol, also known as CBD is actually similar to THC, which means some researchers see it as the new golden child of medical use. But because CBD does not cause a high like THC does, manufacturers are trying to come up with a way to make CBD creams and other products more similar to THC. That way they can market them as safer for most patients.

Benefits of CBD

In general, CBD has shown very little effect on anxiety, although some people do report minor effects such as a loosening of the skin or a calming of the nervous system. And because CBD is a naturally occurring substance in the body, some people may find that it acts more like a vitamin than a drug. But if you suffer from chronic or severe pain, or just need some relief from the aches and pains, then it may be time to check out one of the many CBD creams on the market. The benefits of this natural topical treatment include: it is completely safe; it does not cause serious side effects; it may be effective for some people. Bottom line - if it works for one person, it may work for you.

CBD Cream

One of the latest products to hit the market is the CBD cream. It is basically a combination of CBD oil and a dab of olive oil. It's marketed as a "miracle cure" for those who need a little help to get through their day. Just a few drops of the CBD oil and an olive oil massage are all you need to get the benefits of this two combined.

There are two basic forms of CBD available. Two of the most popular are called hemp oil and spectrum cbd. Both are derived from the same hemp plants, but only one of them comes from the seed rather than the stems or leaves. Either way, the CBD comes from the same plant - it is just isolated and purified. So, when you buy a CBD cream from the store or order it online, make sure you know what you're buying.

CBD Ingredients

Some of the CBD oils on the market come from the hemp plants. Some, however, are sourced from hemp seeds and sometimes from other parts of the plant. Either way, the CBD is not the same thing. It should be labeled as hemp oil or Cannabidiol creams if it is being sold in stores with the name CBD. The ingredients list should list the source of the CBD, if the manufacturer has the information on where the oil comes from.

Levels of CBD

Some CBD products, including CBD oil, are being marketed to treat ailments that don't really meet the criteria for a medical emergency such as a seizure. In these cases, it can be hard to determine whether the product is actually an effective pain reliever. If the person has only occasional seizure problems and feels good most of the time, it may be a good idea to stick with more natural pain relief methods. But for those who have ongoing problems, trying something new may be helpful.

Different types of CBD

You may also find that the source of CBD creams varies. Some companies use hemp oil and other parts of the plant to make the topicals. Others may use only the hemp extract. There are even manufacturers who use a chemical process called solublization which makes the CBD much less expensive than it would be if the plant were cultivated in the US. Before you buy CBD topicals, make sure that the manufacturer has not compromised the health of the patient by using cheap sources of the drug.


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