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What is Hemp?


Hemp plants

This article explains that hemp is a plant. It also provides some information about the uses of hemp and how it's used to create different products.

Hemp is a plant that can be used for paper, clothing, construction material and much more. It's the most sustainable and eco-friendly resource on earth. Hemp has been around since the dawn of agriculture and it's been grown by many civilizations throughout history.

 this post, we will talk about the benefits of hemp and why it is a plant that you should know more about. Hemp has been around for thousands of years and has grown in popularity over the last few decades. It is now used as an industrial resource because of its durable properties, but also contains many other uses. Hemp can be used to produce textiles, paper products such as paper towels and toilet paper, food supplements like protein powder or milk alternatives like almond milk. You may even have some hemp oil sitting on your kitchen counter right now!

What exactly is hemp?

Hemp plants are the same species as marijuana, but they come from a different variety of Cannabis plant. Hemp and Marijuana both come from Cannabis Sativa L., but have separate variations that give them their special properties. The difference between hemp products and cannabis products can be found in two things: THC level, where hemp contains less than 0.03% on average; and CBD content, which will vary depending on what it's used for-- usually around 25-35%. While there may not seem to be much difference at first glance, these percentages make a big impact when you're talking about medical benefits or side effects like anxiety relief.

Hemp is environmentally friendly-- it can thrive without any pesticides or herbicides needed to grow; hemp also doesn't need very much water at all when compared with other crops like cotton which needs a lot of water to produce the same amount of fabric

Hemp is similar to CBD content, which affects what they are useful for- usually around 25-35%. This means that products made from this weed may be better for some people if they have certain medical issues. For example, someone who suffers from anxiety might find relief through these special herbs while others may not see the same results.

 If you are trying to find the best CBD products on the market today, consider


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